Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Caribbean gaff - drugs, backwardness, hope

- from the blog manager (if anybody from CVC vex, dey could fyah meh)

So people from the Caribbean there and we walk around and see people and gaff. I walk past the IPPF booth and hear 'Vidyaratha' and a man who introduced himself as Jomo Osborne and me start to gaff. I ask hard questions.. like how he does get de people in Guyana fuh listen to he about IPPF positions on Criminalising Hate, not HIV. He was good in he answer.. he say dat he have someting name accreditation and he have to talk de talk and walk de walk.. an it seems he not friken dat  we favourite Bishop praying fuh he... he pass me ovah quck quick to a man name Ken Morrison from  Futures 
Group who say he know Guyana good, he went there to do lil wuk wid Pancap  AND dat he teach both Minister Anthony and Dr Singh .. so I tell he wow, he grazing in high high grass.. (of course I apparently grazing in high grass because Mr Morrison has done a lot of work in HIV AIDS policy in Latin America, but since I now come wid CVC me aint know dese tings .. well I should shut my mouth)

Me mout get me in trouble at the PANCAP booth too when the nice girl try to explain to me that CVC was involved in the development of the Regional Model Code of Practice and she looking at me funny because how I representing CVC and I dont know that. I was asking questions about  why sexual orientation lef out from some parts of de Code of Practice.

Dr Cummings from Guyana, he dont mek sport, he talk plain, me and he gaff about the conference. He is tracking the science presentations and he lamented as a Guyanese about the backwardness in that it don't seem that Guyanese could dialogue and discuss things any more. I say no man, Guyana arite , and is not only Guyana an me sayin about dont give up hope.. ah mean we got low carbon an ting.

I asked him in his work in the Region, what does he see as de hope fuh de future an he said dat we are still fortunate in the Caribbean, dat young people are doing great work an' dat adults need to mentor dem properly instead of de nonsense which de adults do.

Dr  Sandra Reid from Trinidad seh dat de focus on needle drugs at de conference was not as relevant to Caribbean an' Latin America since we gat problem wid cocaine, crack, ganja an' alcohol. We ask we self if is because dat de conference not in Latin America mek dat we cant gaff about dese odder drugs dat we know in the region.  Ah mean, can we get any ah dat pepfar money fuh do de lil drug rehab wuk we need fuh do? But is suh it go, when u is a lil fish in de big sea..

De ting wid Cuba come up wid wan an two people.. Cuba does do good wuk wid AIDS an' yet like dem aint come. A man say dat Castro friken dat dey come an' dey dont go back.

Quincy from Guyana say dat de Global Village is good and dat he get plenty information to tek back home. Me an' he admire de clothes aroun' an he say he pack a sari too, just in case.
In terms of other things, he glad to hear Bill Clinton speech, dat wid big ones like Clinton taking an interest, it means that other Caribbean leaders should pay attention. Another Guyanese man  say that hearing the speech made by Clinton was enough to cover for the effort for he to get to Vienna.

Gaffing about getting to Vienna, Dandrina say dat she get scan in Venezuela fuh drugs and weapon.. but den she when she show she passport, de man ask she to scan again to see what she got down deh.. i say gyurl you should ah just open and show dem and save lil carbon , but she also say she wondering if one ah dem officers had a lil more interest dan national security.

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